Thursday 26 February 2009

Sound track

I didnt have a clue how to create a soundtrack so i am now really please i have learnt. using soundtrack pro i was able to create a soundtrack that was perfect for our thriller, it did take along time as i changed it several times, i listened to almost every sound on the programme to ensure i picked the right one. I added the video to soundtrack pro and matched the sound up with the video. At times i felt no sound would be more effective for example as the thriller begins, its complete silence, also as Tara gets out of the bed its silent, i did this to create a tense atmosphere, this built on the Ssuspense and the loud sound that enters really shocks the audience. The sound track is very slow and spooky it also increases in volume and decreases at appropriate times. I used both non digetic and digetci sounds to create a realistic and effective thriller. The soundtrack fits really well with the thriller and it really enhances the frightening atmosphere.

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